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7 avril 2023 5 07 /04 /avril /2023 06:28
6° - U3L1 - exprimer les liens de parenté

Here are some apps to revise the family links. Have fun!

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5 avril 2023 3 05 /04 /avril /2023 06:27
6° Unit 3 : vocabulary "family"

Voici des appli pour t'aider à mémoriser le vocabulaire de la famille. Amuse-toi bien !

Commençons avec ces 11  mots.

Pense à bien répéter les mots quand tu fais les appli avec les fichiers "son" de la 2ème activité.

Ca y est, tu as tout bon ? tu connais ces mots ? eh bien passons à la suite !


Entraîne-toi à écrire les mots correctement !

Family - Spelling, an interactive worksheet by florenciadular

Lis les phrases (tu peux aussi les écouter en cliquant dessus) et clique sur l'image qui correspond.

Family, an interactive worksheet by missmelisa2020
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9 mars 2021 2 09 /03 /mars /2021 07:30

Brit music

image trouvée sur Internet


Voici une chanson sur le thème de la famille

Et voici les paroles :


There's my  mother with green hair

And my father who doesn't care

There's my brother who gets stronger

Every breakfast, lunch and dinner,

And my sister, oh! yucky!

Who eats nothing but jelly,

What a strange and crazy family!

But my favourite one of all

Is my crazy uncle Paul,

Always sings, makes us fly,

Always jumps and jumps so high,

Often eats a dozen eggs,

Often drinks two gallons straight!

Mister Crazy, in the family!


I remember yesterday

We all had such a great day

When we went to the sea, 

Oh together, we were free!

Uncle Paul swam like a fool,

Played and ran, it was so cool!

Great week-end, with my family!


Yes I love as I love tea

My little crazy family

And we laugh, and we run,

Oh together we have fun!

Mother, father, brother, sister,

Uncle, aunt, cousins together,

Yes I love my crazy family!

Yes I love my crazy crazy crazy family!

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